I declare that the particulars here entered are to the best of my knowledge true and accurate. Failure to properly furnish information or misrepresentation of fact in this form can lead to dismissal.I understand that the pre-employment medical examination is one of the standard recruitment procedures in Hactl Group. I authorise the company medical officers to disclose to People and Culture Departmen details of my medical history.
It is the objective of Hactl Group to ensure that the collection of personal data complies with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. The information collected from you now or later in the course of employment with us will be used for the sole purpose of employment and other directly related matters. The information may be transferred to third parties, e.g. government departments and Trustees, if there is a legitimate need for the transfer of information. You have the right to request access to and correction of the personal information provided by you and held by us. Your request should be addressed to People and Culture, North Office Block, SuperTerminal 1. Hong Kong International Airport, Hong Kong. Personal data on an unsuccessful applicant will normally be destroyed six months after rejection of the application.